Sunday, August 16, 2009

Significance of August 15 by Sandip K. Dasverma

Significance of August 15 :
India became Independent on, Aug 15, 1947, starting an avalanche of colonial independences in Asia and Africa, which ended colonialism. This day we are celebrating Indian independence.
15th of August, is also a national holiday in many countries around the world, but all of them celebrate some thing different except Republic of Korea, which gained independence on 15th Aug 1948.
Major events that this day is also commemorated for, are:

1. Italy commemorates August 15, as one of the most important Catholic holidays, because Catholics believe it's the day Virgin Mary was transported directly to Heaven to be with her son, Jesus.
2. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on 15 August 1769, and France celebrates the day as national holiday, still in his honor.
3. Fifty four years ago, on August 15, 1945 several Asian countries won their freedom when Japan surrendered on this day, which ended the World War II. Although the formal surrender came later on September 2, 1945, Asian freedom fighters in Korea, Indo-China and Indonesia were freed and won their independence on August 15, 1945 from the clutches of the Japanese Imperialism.

The Indian Independence Day, Aug 15, 1947 had a lot of meaning for us when we were children and a lot of significance was attached to it. It had something to do with our Country being pulled off the cage. From what I see, the youth these days are not sentimental or reverential about it, perhaps because they have not seen or known about the struggles to free our Country from the foreign yoke.
India’s 1st Prime Minister, Nehru’s speech on 15th August 1947, is a classic and I will briefly quote from the same:
“Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we will redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance .... We end today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers herself again."

It indeed ended a period which culminated from sacrifices of many. Gandhians were of course well recognized, but there were many others too, who both preceded and succeeded Mahatma Gandhi & his followers. From Dada Bhai Naroji to the anarchists of Bengal. From Madam Cama to Surya Sen of Chitagong Armory raid fame. From Lala Lajpat Rai to Bal Gangadhar Tilak. From Khudiram Bose to veer Savarkar to Rash Behari Bose and INA heros. The Gaddar Party to the Hindustan Republican Party, The Anushilan Party & Jugantar group to Chadrasekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh. Ramprasad Bismil and Ashfaqulla Khan and Laxman Nayak,just to name only a few.

I always revere highly Ashfaqulla because of his secular spirit, which permeated the patriots of his age and time. His repartee when a police interrogator told him not to insist on independence of India because British rule will be replaced by Hindu rule, is legendary. He said and I quote: "Khan Sahib, I am quite sure that Hindu India will be much better than British India, because it will be ruled by an Indian.” For his arrogance and straight talk, he was sent to gallows. The burning question is whether we are living up to these hopes, ideals and dreams, which lead to supreme sacrifices.

The list of patriots goes on and on and on. They included nationalists and patriots from all regions, religions, language groups, casts and all strata of the society.
The theme song of movie Sahid Bhagat Singh, a poem written by famous revolutionary poet Ramprasad Bismil, depicts their spirit and what they promised to their mother land:
“Aye watan aye watan
Hum ko teri kasam
Teri raahon mein jaan tak luta jayenge
Phool kya cheez hai tere kadmon mein hum
Bhent apne saron ki chadha jayenge.

Koi Punjab se koi Maharashtra se
Koi UP se to koi Bengal se
Teri pooja ki thaali mein laaye hai hum
Phool har rang ke aaj har daal se – ---

What happened to that spirit? What happened to that dedication among the youth? The pre-birth resolve and the post birth euphoria of the young Indian nation? Today India is 62 years old as a nation. It’s energy is sapped by a bunch of greedy Swiss bank a/c holder billionaires, and corrupt politicians. But India is young compared to our adopted nation, The USA, which is 233 years old. Yet due to constant renewal, it is vibrant and innovative. Recently it elected it’s first black president. India on the other hand is still in the quagmire of riots and inequality, injustice and lack of opportunity.
Yes, out of 1200 million, 600 million Indians are on the go, but, yes there is a big but. They are leaving behind the other 600 million, who I call Bharat, as is. As the otherwise successful, Bajpayee Government learnt to it’s dismay in 2004, this can’t happen and will not happen. Because that is not in sync with our national ethos. India has to carry Bharat, as it advances to the 21st century. As Universities proliferate, primary and secondary education has to be taken care of, for them to succeed. India can’t be half world class and half middle age. The economic progress has to be inclusive and based on social justice, because the ones we live behind are our brothers and sisters.
We in the Diaspora have a big responsibility, to help make it happen. Every thing starts small and our local IATC(India Association of Tricities, USA) is now in young capable hands. I request them to start to think and act in this direction. We can associate with organizations like: Asha for Education or Pratham. Let us move forward and use all that we have learnt in our adopted country to our birth country, to bring progress and harmony.
(A speech delivered at IATC celebration of Indian Independence Day, Richland, WA, USA on August 15, 2009 )
1. Asfaqulla Khan:
2. Ramprasad Bismil
3. Chandrasekhar Azad
4. Saheed Bhagat Singh
5. Rashbehari Bose
6. Laxman Nayak

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