Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Compansation for land in a coal project in Jharkhand

The following was the compensation that they got for their land in Pachuwara Coal Project Area.
I like all of them except I want the Rs. 6000/annum, related to inflation. Lastly, I would like the school and hospital to be upfront. How else the kids will be educated in the interim? If the land prices go up more than the rate of inflaton they should be compensated further at at least 50%, to protect against manipulations of land market price.

- Sandip

The compensation that the Catholic nun fought for, and ensured, includes:

* The cost of the land acquired at the current market rate

* A job

* A school, education for students of the displaced families free of cost

* A hospital to provide them free treatment

* Rs 6,000 per acre per annum to compensate for the loss of agriculture

* Rs 210 sq m of land for home stead

* After mining complete, the land to be reclaimed and returned to its
rightful owner

"Valsa John gave her consent only after she was convinced that the company had offered the best compensation to the people," says Deputy Chief Minister Stephen Marandi, who backed her and signed the agreement between the Andolan and Panem as a witness.

1 comment:

sushilsingh said...

The State of Jharkhand came into existence on 15th November 2000 as the 28th state of India. Its name originates

from “ Jhar “ which means bushes and became popular during the British period. Earlier, majority of its area was

called Chota Nagpur which takes its origin from the land of Nagwanshis and find their description right from the

Indus Valley Civilization. The arc of cancer passes through its capital Ranchi. Now it has 4 commissionaires and

22 districts totaling an area of 79714 sq km with population of 2,69,09,428( 13th position in India ). The main

source of income is through mining activities.
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